This post by Max_Priest is pure unadulterated
as the post by Nato17 that he shamelessly n pathetically relies on cannot be found in this
1807 thread becuz it has
NOTHING to do wif 1807...Max_Priest has in fact cut & paste Nato17's original post fm the
Girls in 1654A thread instead...
This other post by Max_Priest is also pure unadulterated
as the post by saabking that he shamelessly n pathetically relies on cannot be found in this
1807 thread becuz it has
NOTHING to do wif 1807...Max_Priest has in fact cut & paste saabking's original post fm the
HOTTEST NEWS IN GEYLANG DAILY & Gossips thread instead...
The FACT that Max_Priest now has to shamelessly resort to pure unadulterated
SPAM proves
incontrovertibly that ALL his claims against me viz 1807 n Ling Ling(1807) are false, erroneous, baseless n totally without any merit....
The true incontrovertible FACTS r on my side, as can be seen fm
my earlier post in this 1807 thread, unlike that fella Max_Priest, I DO NOT SPAM....also...
unlike that fella Max_Priest, NEITHER do i promote ANY GL WL
As for my FR on Ling Ling(1807)...i am more than happy to share it in SBF...just like all the other FRs that i hv previously shared in the past...the reason i hv held back thus far is obvious...contrary to Max_Priest's warped flawed logic, it had
nothing whatsoeverto do with a "
guilty conscience[" (which actually wld apply to Max_Priest instead!!)...i merely did not wish to add
unnecessary fuel to the fire in this thread...
Anyways..if any Samster now makes a request, I shall gladly oblige n post my FR on Ling Ling(1807) in this thread...
As for that fella Max_Priest's other false, erroneous, laughable, pathetic n deluded claims in his
SPAM posts that hv
1807 thread...
pls tune in to the more appropriate thread i.e.
HOTTEST NEWS IN GEYLANG DAILY & Gossips thread which shall contain my reply in due course...
in addition to finding out more on whether Max_Priest's only true agenda in SBF is to just purely support the WLs without receiving or trying to receive RAW SEX in return fm the WLs....btw only for Samsters who are interested hor
Finally, as this is a thread for
1807 matters only, i sld be grateful if in future, Samsters cld
stop making any further posts in this thread that has
nothing to do wif 1807 matters....tku