Since later in the evening my coz arranged a nice screw session, i decided to re-charge my self by generally chilling out - watching TV and taking an afternon nap. I was also hoping to "cuci mata" (watching mata) by looking at sammi (..... how was I to know then that I will get to be so close to her ...)
anyway, ah chuan and sammi said that they will do a spot of shopping ~ again~ and then return back to the apartment (to shower and change) before going clubbing,
I drew a line. Accompanying them to shop (like a lamp post) would be too ackward and obvious. I just hoped that I can see sammi more before I leave. (In fact to be frank - I didn't really look forward to the prospect of meeting the WL. I just wanted sammi.)
Whilst having a nap, I suddenly heard ah chaun and sammi returned home - it is closed to seven pm. (Our rendezvous with the two WL is only at ten - for an overnighter).
Like a bullet I shot out of bed, hoping to just see my dream lady once more. I saw ah chuan and sammi carrying several shopping bags entering the apartment, they were laughing and sharing some private joke together. (Ridiculous but true - i got jealous.)
Making polite conversation, I enquired whether they had their dinner. They told me that they later go Stanley Street to makan and then go clubbing. Ah chaun, gave me a big intentional wink and asked me where will I be bringing the ladies to.
Now I actually have some reservations letting them know that we patronize pros. What a way to make an impression on the girl of your dreams ....
.... so in order to cover up, i let on that this is my first time engaging such services and hence don't know what to do or how to act.
sammi took my words at face value and just said that to just pretend that i am in HKG on a date ..... wow, she is quite open to a man being 风流 ....
ah chuan then joked that we should swap places (my heart skipped a bit when I heard this, and secretly prayed that this would be so) ..... but no such luck. sammi gave ah chuan a playful whack on his head with the empty shopping bag for making such a suggestion.
i next asked ah chuan whether taking the WL for clubbing is a good idea. I got a cheeky reply. Ah chuan said tat I will be dancing on the bed with them anyway so it does not matter.
sammi looked like she is kinda disgusted with ah chuan's remarks and i too kind of blushed. i muttered a silent 'sorry' in sammi direction, and she in turn whispered "its alright!"
at about this moment that we heard a catchy hip hop number (english song) on a radio, I think that it is Pitbull's "i know you want me" (talk about irony
) ... sammi mentioned that she loved the song ... ah chuan got up to turn the volume up louder.
i told sammi that she is a really good dancer and that i love to watch her dance - which is the honest to goodness truth.
ah chuan then asked sammi to show me some moves (he also mentioned that she ever studied dance in Hunan ~ which i had since found out from sammi that it is untrue).
sammi said she will dance only if i joined in. as i got two left feet, i refused. (where got sinkie so spontaneous one!). using two hands she tried to pull me from my seat, but I like a bladdy sio chia, sissy boy, burried myself deeper in my seat.
ah chuan encouraged me and egged me on to dance - then promptly announced that he will be going to the toilet to smoke and take a crap.
the radio is now playing lady ga-ga's "poker face" .... instead of forcefully trying to get me off my seat. sammi now said in a gentle tone, "come stand up", fingers trailing up my forearm as she said so ...... she also pursed her lips and gave a small air kiss as she said so. I meekly complied.
Like at the disco the night before, sammi gave me a sensuous dance round me. I just stood there. (you try dancing slowly and sensuously to "Poker Face" and you know what i mean - it very difficult as the beat is quite fast - but sammi managed to do just that without looking awkward: dancing in slow rhythmic patterns to that song)..... and you guessed it. my dick marikita.
standing like a wooden tree, i asked sammi whether she knows stripper dance? i can smell the ciggy smoke from the toilet and i knew that it would be a quite a while before ah chuan concludes his shitting session.
in response sammi grabbed my cheeks and pinched me lightly .... 'naughty boy' she said softly ..... she stopped dancing and proceeded to walk to the radio to turn down the volume.
as she was walking back (after turning the radio volume down), i suddenly grabbed her on her left hand, spun her round to face me and lightly kissed her cheeks -muttering a thank you. (frankly what is there to thank about - but it is the only thing that i can say at the moment).
sammi was sort of surprised by my actions, but did not push away nor kick up a fuss. she said to me: "come clubbing with us tonight - i will dance with you!" (and she gave a sensusous smile.) Sammi really got a model's versatility: her smile can be cheeky or sensuous, playful or sexy .....
i vowed that come what may, i will join her to party that night ......
(the next thing i know, I hear the sound of flushing emanating from the toilet - and sammi reiterated: "see you tonight ....")