General info on Ocean Hotel/WLs.
Some data may be wrong -
out of date. Hope useful to all. Would appreciate if everyone can help to edit/update - no copy right - no need to get me involved!!
Ocean "Hotel" is not a budget hotel. It is similar to Petain/Desker. Ocean has Ground Fl (lift landing/watch stall), 1st Floor (Storage ?), 2nd - 4th Fl WLs @ M$65, 5th Fl WLs @ M$40. Every floor has an OKT table and interesting "toilet". No brothel in Malaysia is legal - however no raid so far.
2nd Level Rooms: R54, R56, R58, R60, R62, R64, R66, R68, R80, R82
R60 Violet (now on leave or given up?) - nice looking/friendly - Malaysian Chinese. Excellent services (BBBJ etc). Ex Geylang CAT150, Petain CAT 50.
3rd Level Rooms:
R38, R40, R42, R44, R46, R48, R50, R52, R74, R76
R42 Jennifer - Beautiful, young Malay from Sarawak. No GFE - all negative FRs. Not recommended unless U loves trying beautiful WL to test chemistry level.
R50 Elaine (Chinese) - Nice looking, chatty, friendly with good services (BBBJ etc) - highly recommended.
R56 May (Chinese)
4th Level Rooms:
R22, R24, R26, R28, R30, R32, R34, R36, R70, R72
R22 AiAi (Chinese)
R24 Ah Er (Chinese)
R26 Michelle - Quite nice looking/friendly new WL (4 months), Chinese. BBBJ. Recommended.
R34 Ice - New sweet looking young WL, Chinese. Low GFE with BBBJ.
Please note that
Rooms are not fixed in Ocean.
New WLs will normally occupy
R26, R34, R70, R72 - near to OKT table - also
R60, 4th Level.
Would appreciate if someone can
edit/update/add on further and take responsibility. Difficult for me from Singapore. I have also Geylang/Petain to cover. Will visit Ocean soon to check with OKT on Violet. Cheers