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Old 17-10-2010, 03:55 PM
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刚到手的时候疼人家到骨子里去,每天给她打十几个电话,发几十条信息,她说什么你都铭记在心,想吃什么、想 买什么、想去哪里你都会尽全力去满足,温柔体贴无微不至,巴不得二十四个小时都能跟她呆在一起;一开始总是 包容的,就算她的生活习惯与你不同也会努力的调试配合,一切一切都是美好的...

久了,腻了!每天别说几十个电话,就连1个电话都懒得打,打电话时只说具体情况,把那些觉得无关要紧的"情 趣"话都省了;信息就更不用说了,她发10条你回有一半你就觉得你回的已经够多了,就连她打电话给你你都觉 得她啰嗦!

你不会再为她想吃早点而早早起床,你不会再为她排队买她想要东西,你不会专门请假带她去她想去的地方,你会 觉得她什么事都依赖着你,让你觉得她麻烦事特多!


最后,厌了!潇洒的用"分手吧!"一句简单的言语结束了复杂的感情;或耗着等着,直到有一天她受不了忽冷忽 热或若即若离的态度自己选择离开,你还可以说是她自己离你而去,你没有负心...




那你又嫌她不体贴,白天工作的时候打电话打扰到你,辛苦了一天晚上要睡觉了她还缠着你不肯挂线。是谁让她养 成何时何地想打电话给你就打电话给你的习惯?


那是因为从某一个时间段你的态度变了,你开始冷落她了;让她觉得没了安全感,由使她起疑心!不是她不信任你 ,不给你空间,而是她爱你,在乎你,用尽所有时间去关心你,你的生活细微改变都牵扯着她的情绪 !


那是因为她有很多时候知道了很多事情,但你不说,她都选择沉默,在一直沉默;积压到一定的时间她们就会爆发 心中的所有怨气;要知道,这一些都不是她脾气不好,是你不够细心发觉,她们是一直积压下来的!


当初是谁说不喜欢她每天变化多端像只花蝴蝶,是谁说喜欢她素颜的清纯模样?虽说喜新厌旧是人性,除了毛主席 跟古董以外,什么东西看久了都会审美疲劳;但她不是东西,她是个活生生有着感情的人!


那你以前又给她那么多答案,给她那么多承诺,现在为自己铺好后路可以前承诺过的叫她怎么忘记?女人不怕诺言 没实现,怕的是你承诺了又不去实现,最后实不实现是另一个问题!


那你以前不忙吗?你以前是不是就把全部时间用来讨好她而不用工作?那你以前怎么都那么细心观察 她在想什么?


那你一开始追她干嘛?做实验啊?她都已经浪费这么多感情了,你当感情是水龙头啊,说开就开说关 就关!

✖✖✖对,这一切都是你给自己找的借口!别以为换个女朋友就可以永远摆脱那种感情暗淡时期,因为不久的将来 你还是得回到这种时光,下个女朋友也是,下下个女朋友也是,下下下个女朋友也是,有种你一辈子不谈恋爱不结 婚...

男人们,看完了回想一下你们的那段美好时光,趁现在没有人偷偷想想是不是你们给自己找借口了?那个以前深爱 的女人现在就那么不值得你爱了么?别说你瞎了狗眼以前才会跟她在一起,因为你没瞎,也请不要侮 辱到狗!

后悔分手的赶快努力从新追回来,以后用心经营着共有的感情!其实女人要的很简单,只想要一个爱自己男人就够 了...

想要分手的考虑清楚,并不是每段感情都可以挽回的!考虑太久也不行,因为她们可以忍耐你冷落她一段时间,但 不会一辈子傻下去;她们再怎么傻,也会给自己一个时间段,去忍受你的冷落,去相信你的爱;但时间一到,她们 会毫不犹豫的离开,到那时再多的甜言蜜语都没有用了,因为这世界上没有谁离开谁就活不了!

恋爱中的,好好珍惜现在那个愿意照顾你,体谅你,愿意陪你承担风雨的傻女人吧!过了这个村,或许就没这个店 了...

到时间结婚的就结婚吧,不要再拖拖拉拉婆婆妈妈;结婚证一领就像买了保险,至少心里都有底了. ..

爱情,就像煮粥!滚烫的时候加点配料它就是够火候又有滋有味的;等到忘记关火煮焦了的时候,你闻都不想闻它 甚至你连锅都想把它扔了...

Now That I'm Older...My Heart's Colder And I Can See That It's All A Lie...

人生最可怜的事, 不是生离死别。。。而是。。。当面对自己所拥有的,
Old 17-10-2010, 05:22 PM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

SAFETY is not when u cheong. SAFETY IS 24HR.
Old 17-10-2010, 05:36 PM
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Re: __

Actually not many women (maybe most women) wish to admit right from the bottom of their heart that....they dunno how to love their man well enuff to keep them. When u learn to close all eyes of (stupid) reasoning, then will u c light in ur relationship.

Don't hav to ask :'do u know...bla bla bla...?'

If he really know then don't need to ask, if dunno ask also no use. Wad u couldn't learn in the first 20-30yrs of ur life, u can't learn it in a day anyway. Why not jus concentrate on jus wad u know.

Don't hav to bother whether ur counterpart know or not, love him/her the way u best know-tat shall be the most sincere feeling of love. Why keep on calculating wad ur guy can't giv u? Hav u calculate wad u could hav given him (but put on hold bcoz he haben gav u wad u want)?

If this is the last war u r going to fight, why reserve ur firepower? Giv him wad u got, everything u've got. Make it much more worthwhile even if the ending may not be fairytale-like.

Did he ask if ur love hole cleaned enuff b4 he enter u? Don't think, jus fuck. Same, don't think, jus love.


Life is all about (enduring and overcoming) suffering. When you have too much of the good stuff, life will seems meaningless



Old 18-10-2010, 04:13 AM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤ 17-10-2010 08:10 AM write in english so that everybody can read.

hmm....someone just deducted my points just beause he simply cant read chinese...well..if that makes u happy =)

some articles are only suitable to be written in if you cant read and understand...then perhaps u should just skip my post...not feeling sore but "u" cant deny chinese just because "u" cant read it right
Now That I'm Older...My Heart's Colder And I Can See That It's All A Lie...

人生最可怜的事, 不是生离死别。。。而是。。。当面对自己所拥有的,
Old 18-10-2010, 11:14 AM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤ 17-10-2010 08:10 AM write in english so that everybody can read.

hmm....someone just deducted my points just beause he simply cant read chinese...well..if that makes u happy =)

some articles are only suitable to be written in if you cant read and understand...then perhaps u should just skip my post...not feeling sore but "u" cant deny chinese just because "u" cant read it right
I also cannot read, but I didn't deduct people's point for self inefficiency ....
Old 18-10-2010, 11:19 AM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
hmm....someone just deducted my points just beause he simply cant read chinese...well..if that makes u happy =)
irregardless, its still a nice reading.
Thks Sis.
Old 18-10-2010, 12:55 PM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤ 17-10-2010 08:10 AM write in english so that everybody can read.

hmm....someone just deducted my points just beause he simply cant read chinese...well..if that makes u happy =)

some articles are only suitable to be written in if you cant read and understand...then perhaps u should just skip my post...not feeling sore but "u" cant deny chinese just because "u" cant read it right
dont worry sister, I give my points to show my support to you !!!! cheers !!!!!
Old 19-10-2010, 04:50 PM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

thks all bros for the points...but yet we still got ppl who are feeling sore just simply bcos he cant read chinese and continue deducting my points =)

well...if he thinks in my life, points are impt to me...then let him be...

i post up saying there are ppl deducting my points doesnt mean im sore about it...just wanted to let those people know...."u" mention that this is an english forum... just simply bcos most things are type in english??? hahaha...thats really an unwanted thought...

cant understand what i type...just skip...doesnt kill "u" if you miss reading my post isnt it =)

go ahead and play with the points...i will still continue to post up good articles in chinese...cant stand me? its either "u" go bang ur head on the wall for not understanding chinese or "u" go brush up on your chinese

good day to all =)
Now That I'm Older...My Heart's Colder And I Can See That It's All A Lie...

人生最可怜的事, 不是生离死别。。。而是。。。当面对自己所拥有的,
Old 19-10-2010, 05:51 PM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

Have to admit i been through that stage. In the end i also got hurt by my own lousy action. So bros here should treasure what you have right now, whether is a good wife or gf. Because time will never turn back, and she possibly never return to your arm anymore.
Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
Old 22-10-2010, 12:39 PM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

why 你是男人更要看?? this Apply to both man and woman
Old 24-10-2010, 09:15 PM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

Yo Sis, Why most of the things are MAN in wrong...... Why can't be a girl le.....
Old 25-10-2010, 09:43 AM
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in a r/s it takes 2 hands to clap oso give n take... cant be guys always the one giving n gals keep taking...
i muz say tat most the guys will feel bored after sometimes when together for too long but not everytime fault is on guys...
Boys born to FUCK...
Gals born to be FUCK...

eNjoy eVery siNgle dAy of my LiFe...
Old 25-10-2010, 03:35 PM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
thks all bros for the points...but yet we still got ppl who are feeling sore just simply bcos he cant read chinese and continue deducting my points =)

good day to all =)
Sis, maybe u can translate it to england, but i can read, and now i am your fans here, in 中文, 你的粉丝了
Old 25-10-2010, 06:37 PM
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Re: ❤_原来这叫『腻了』?!【你是男人更要看!】_❤

hi sister
this is a good writing , after read all the memory is running in my mind.
all this happen in my life few year back.........
thank you sis
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