How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
令女人潮吹(射水-Squirt)的教學,100% work! (有圖教學)[6P]
首先講左開頭先。潮吹 (squirt) 係女性其中一種高潮既方法。這招係 for 有一定性經驗既人,如果我講既野你地唔識做,讀多 d 書,睇多 d 四仔先再試。 有一樣野要保充,全世界女人,只有 2% 既女人係可以自己潮吹 (經高潮三大辦法)。但係我所教既,係可以用係 100% 既女性身上。其實這種潮吹既方法唔係好多人知,我敢講得小過 1% 既男人知點做。潮吹射出來既,唔係尿,加上出水既位置唔一樣,如果你覺實得核突就唔好睇。潮吹係算高境界, 你唔中意可能係你經驗尚淺。女人高潮有三個辦法,但係唔會每個女人都可以三樣都得:靠刺激陰部上的一垃野, 可以用手或口,最常用既方式。 2) 當做愛的時後,靠陰徑同陰部抽插而取得高潮。 第三種,就係我要講既方法,係利用 G 點,用適量既力度刺激,做得好會有潮吹效果/ 4) 最高境界,利用第三種方法,配合全身穴位按摩,可達到更高的高潮境界,識既人係小之有小,我本人都未可以做 到,係最高級技巧! 第四個辦法我唔話係高潮辦法係因為好難做,係真係好高手先做得到,如果我達到個境界時會長細為大家分享。其 實如果做得好,一開始,唔使四秒就以經開始潮吹。但係我會係這個教學教多小小方法係可以令潮吹 率高 註: 我用photoshop 做既,應該會宜明 d 啦 潮吹方法 1) 將女性躺在床上,面向上。最好預備毛巾,鋪在女性下體位置。(因為真係會全床都濕晒) 用方法令她下體開始濕透 (KY,手,口,自己簡) 以右手用力既人 RIGHT HANDED - 坐在女性右邊身旁,人大慨係胸部至陰部範位 (總知隻手可以點到個陰部就得啦 4) 放右手中指同無名指入陰部,註意,一定要中指同無名指,開頭唔關係會唔就手,練下就得啦 5) 第二隻手指同尾指向下,有 d 似 sailormoon 個手勢
Our Nation is Liverpool, Our language is Football 想了,约了,定了,见了,抱了,亲了,摸了,脱了,舔了,湿了,硬了,进了,顶了,叫了,射了,爽了,抽了 ,软了,瘫了,洗了,擦了,干了,睡了,又想了............ Uplist : |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
6) 放左手在女性陰毛,即三國型的那個地方上去(肚下面),用手力輕輕壓下。
7) 右手中指同無名指係向上,即三國毛方向。用輕力,左手手指同陰保內右手手指應該差唔多點到.
Our Nation is Liverpool, Our language is Football 想了,约了,定了,见了,抱了,亲了,摸了,脱了,舔了,湿了,硬了,进了,顶了,叫了,射了,爽了,抽了 ,软了,瘫了,洗了,擦了,干了,睡了,又想了............ Uplist : |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
8) 兩隻手之間應該感覺到有舊軟淋淋既波。用右手的中指同無名指輕輕按摩那個部位
9) 做到個女性開始覺得好有 feel,或開始好濕,又或者 2-5 分鐘。之後。。。用快而大力,將中指同無名指向 "上" 同 "下" 狂按落那個部位(可以用手腕同手脾來幫助上下都得,即係其實好大動作下架),左手可以幫手做定 位。 10)註意係上同下,唔係出同入。中指同無名指力要夠,唔夠力就要練。記得剪指甲,如果唔係拒會好痛 。 11)手勢其實就好似 spiderman 射網個手勢一樣 12) 力度岩,準度岩的話,4 秒鐘來就會 feel 到有水出,不停繼續就會越出越多 13) 如果無野出,跟著個圖去按摩,令到那塊肌肉鬆弛,再去返 step 4 繼續 P/S : Practice makes Perfect!
Our Nation is Liverpool, Our language is Football 想了,约了,定了,见了,抱了,亲了,摸了,脱了,舔了,湿了,硬了,进了,顶了,叫了,射了,爽了,抽了 ,软了,瘫了,洗了,擦了,干了,睡了,又想了............ Uplist : |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
Hello, Bro wukong68 ... thanks for sharing
Have a great weekend |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
Bro, do you have the english version??
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
good explaination, with pic , moroon also will know how to do it
good job |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
Thanks bros!
Actually I've know the How to and ive tried on some of the WLs and my partner and it work magically! So i was browsing and found this posting, it matches my description and the instructions are good and clear! Hope you guys will become the sexpert in fingering in no time ya.. haha
Our Nation is Liverpool, Our language is Football 想了,约了,定了,见了,抱了,亲了,摸了,脱了,舔了,湿了,硬了,进了,顶了,叫了,射了,爽了,抽了 ,软了,瘫了,洗了,擦了,干了,睡了,又想了............ Uplist : |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
But u will need to be abit familar with cantonese to fully comprehend the written explanation....Anyway the pics speak a thousand words
Forget about being replaced...You cant be!!! |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
Possible for english?
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
Yo Bro thanks for the guide.. it really help... going to try it tonight....
do send more this type of guide... |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
good job bro wukong!! you are the MAN!!!
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
Bro wukong68 ,
Thanks for sharing can translate to english words
Click here for my latest post to return Up.Thanks! F **king Retarded/Scumbag Guy In My Ignore List |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
The English Version - The top part I think is no use so I skip it
Straight to method and instruction The tide blows the method 1) lies down the female on the bed, face on. Best prepares the towel, the shop in the feminine lower part of the body position. (Because really is meets entire bed all wet to expose to the sun) makes her lower part of the body with the method to start to soak (KY, hand, mouth, own Jan) To the right hand makes an effort already person RIGHT HANDED - to sit right side the female nearby the body, National People's Congress is indignant is (always knows a hand the chest to the genitals Fan position to be allowed to select to genitals 4) puts the right middle finger to enter the genitals with ring finger, the attention, certainly wants the middle finger with the ring finger, begins does not relate meets not while you are at it, practices 5) the second finger with the tail direction under, has d to resemble a sailormoon hand signal |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
6) puts the left hand on the feminine pubic hair, namely three countries that places come up (under stomach), gently presses with the hand power
7) the right middle finger with the ring finger is upward, namely three countries wools direction. In with the light strength, the left hand finger with cloudyly guarantees the right hand finger to be supposed to miss. are not many to |
Re: How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
8) between two hands should feel has old softly drippings already the wave. Gently massages that spot with the right hand middle finger with the ring finger
9) achieves a female to start to think has feel, or starts wet, also or 2-5 minute. Afterwards. . . About with quickly but vigorously, "" crazily according to falls the middle finger with the ring finger to "on with" under that spot (to be allowed to use the skill 同手 spleen to help all to have, is exactly actually very big movement bottom carriage), the left hand may the helper make the localization. 10) pays attention ties with under, is not with enters. The middle finger wants with the ring finger strength 夠, 夠 the strength do not need to practice. Remembered cuts the nail, if is not resists to be able the good pain. 11) the hand signal actually seems spiderman to shoot a net hand signal to be same 12) dynamics crag, the crag speech, 4 seconds come to be able feel to have the water to leave, does not stop continues to be able to exceed many 13) if is not wild, is massaging with a chart, causes that muscle to relax, again returns the step 4 continuations P/S : Practice makes Perfect! |
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